국립부경대학교 | 해양학전공

퇴적역학 연구실

퇴적역학 연구실  
 The Dynamics in Coastal Sediment and Paleoceanography Lab conducts research on a wide range of topics, including coastal wetlands, deltas, continental shelves, sea-level changes, coastal retreat, tropical cyclones and paleotempestology, and the effects of global warming on mangroves.DynaSep members  with Professor Junghyeong Ryu 
 Exploring the world's largest wetlands (e.g., coastal wetlands of Louisiana and Korea), along a salinity gradient is our interest. Our research aims to investigate the various wetland environments and coastal areas that have undergone natural (e.g., hurricane, climate, and sea level) and anthropogenic (e.g., construction) impacts.
 Our works also explore the poleward expansion of mangroves due to climate warming and its agents of longitudinal and latitudinal distributions and understand historical shifts in coastal dynamics and their implications for modern ecosystems.
 Under the collaboration between Pukyung National University (PKNU), Federal University of Pará (UFPA), and Louisiana State University (LSU), researchers are investigating the resilience and dynamics of mangrove ecosystems and the impacts of coastal hazards such as tropical cyclones on mangroves and nearby coastal cities.
 This interdisciplinary research focuses on understanding how natural forces, including hurricanes, climate change, and sea-level rise, as well as anthropogenic activities, influence the structural and functional changes in mangrove forests and coastal zones.
 The collaboration also examines the poleward expansion of mangroves due to climate warming, analyzing longitudinal and latitudinal shifts in distribution patterns and their implications for coastal ecosystems. By studying diverse wetland environments across salinity gradients, the team aims to unveil historical shifts in coastal dynamics and assess the vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities of modern ecosystems.
 This partnership seeks to contribute valuable insights to the management and restoration of coastal ecosystems in regions such as Louisiana, Korea, and Brazil, offering solutions to mitigate the impacts of coastal hazards on communities and biodiversity.

연구실 책임자 : 류중형 교수

연구실 위치 : 해양공동연구관(C13) 120

연구실 홈페이지 주소: https://www.dyna-sep.com